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Veggies for the Table & Integument

The Satiated Blonde

Yep, that's me...having a grand time entertaining myself!

If you have been following me on social media, you know I am obsessed with Dr. Cowan's Garden. Black sesame seeds (from Foods Alive!) + leek powder + grassfed butter = an amazing compound butter. In fact, I used it all already so it is definitely time to make some more! However, I wanted to share with you some other unique ideas I had with my favorite veggie powders!

These products aren't just for eating!!! I try to follow the rule that whatever goes on my skin would go in my belly as well...and this concoction definitely does!


Squashed Kale Veil (it rhymes!)

How I did it:

2 tsp organic, grassfed ghee (melted)

I made sure the ghee wasn't too warm, just melted. I stirred it all together and dabbed lightly with my fingertips to apply. I learned to stay in the bathroom to prevent ghee-stained chairs & carpet. I also had to be super careful taking off the mask--a little got in my eye. There is a surprising exfoliant effect from the greens that I wasn't expecting, but once my eye stopped watering, my skin felt so refreshed...and tasted so good (really)!

And the after...


Kale salad dressing

How I made it:

1 chopped, organic shallot

Pinch of salt

I shook it up and used liberally on my salad and it was delightful!

Winter Squash Powder Power

In using the Winter Squash Powder, I really like it sprinkled on my eggs. Another way I tried it was mixing some powder in some homemade stock and it made a really quick and flavorful soup! When making a traditional hummus recipe the other day, I just threw in a heaping tablespoon and was thoroughly satisfied and satiated!

What ways would you use these awesome powders? Let me know in the comments below! And follow along on Instagram for my daily posts as I strive to #GetSatiated

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