Image from: https://www.instagram.com/ritzfit_/
Recently, I had the opportunity to be a guest on The No Diet Podcast! I shared about my website, defined what #getsatiated means to me (to feel complete; happy to the core) and much, MUCH more.
My guidelines:
Paleo(esque) + Weston A. Price traditional foods
All-around lifestyle approach:
Do the best you can with what you have at that time and be okay with it.
When I realized I needed a change:
Waking with swollen hands or passing out for 4+ hours after being glutened &/or MSG'd. It's so hard to find a restaurant that follows my guidelines, and I'm always worried about being MSG'd. Lately, I've been trying to take an attitude of gratefulness, and not worrying as much (yet still being aware), while following my lifestyle approach.
On the podcast, I was also able to include part of my Morning Routine. Here's the full deal:
Glass of sole (made with structured water) and Icelandic Flake Salt (Code: SATIATEDBLONDE to save!)
Dry brush before shower to stimulate optimal lymphatic flow
Shower with Living Libation's shampoo and conditioner and the structured shower unit
Breast Massage I learned from Dr. Saida Desilets
Dental Protocol from Living Libations
Followed with WARPAINT tooth whitening (a few days a week)
Echinacea Premium from MediHerb (check with your local chiropractor to purchase)
Followed by my homemade mouthwash using MediHerb's recipe, plus an addition of mine
Then, I take my RESTORE gut supplement (read my story here) about 20-30 minutes before breakfast--in short, I don't want a monoculture in my gut, yah diversity!
Now, let's talk about Breakfast. It sets me up for how I feel the rest of my day. It can vary but here are some common occurrences:
Coffee, Bulletproof-esque style: Made with either Bulletproof beans, Portland Roasting Coffee, or my new favorite low toxin coffee that is local to Chi-town, LIMITLESS coffee!
On a typical day, this is what I add (recipe coming soon):
Icelandic Flake Salt (Code: SATIATEDBLONDE to save!)
Adaptogens (recently Ashwaganda)
Coconut cream or coconut manna, and sometimes I use MCT oil!
Then, I blend it up and put in my favorite mug
My other go-to is a super turmeric latte based on Alisa Vitti's recipe on floliving.com (adding some of the ingredients from above) and check out Alisa's app MyFlo
I use light therapy for about 20 minutes while I check emails or chat with my mom!
Take my supplements: this can change day to day. I cannot make up my supplements a week ahead of time, because how I feel changes so much from one day to the next--although there are some staples! Watch for a future post with this info!
Stretching/movement: My thoughts on exercise and movement have evolved throughout the years, so I will also devote a full post to this as well, but here is what I take pre-workout:
A version of Christa Orecchio's Adrenal Creamsicle: Sometimes I add grapefruit only or mix in oranges. I just got some blood oranges I'm excited to experiment with! To these I add a pinch of Icelandic Flake Salt (Code: SATIATEDBLONDE to save!), mCollagen, and either camel milk <---get $20 off using this link, or coconut manna/coconut cream/MCT oil
RitzFit asked me for my favorite cheat meal. Although I explained I don't like to think of my meals as cheating because I just love food so much, listen HERE to find out my answer!
I also mentioned to check out The Food Babe, Vani Hari, for great resources about real foods!
What's my PRO-tactic: SELF-CARE. This topic is worthy of its own post too, so watch for it as we head into the summer--a perfect time to find that focus!
...and we covered so much more!
So PLEASE download and listen to THE NO DIET PODCAST on iTunes, leave a 5-star review, and check Ritzfit.com for updates! #GetSatiated