When asking my local Indian cafe what they recommend, they pointed me to something called the chikoo shake. Chikoo is a tropical fruit with lots of other names: chiku, sapodilla, naseberry to name a few. It is sweet with a gritty texture and a flavor that is delicious but unlike anything I've ever tasted before. From my first sip, I decided I'd be on the lookout for a fresh chikoo so that I could try to make my own shake! Luckily, I came across one at my local Indian grocery store. They look almost beet-like, but a little browner on the outside.

They should not be hard, and the ones I found were a little harder than I would have liked. It reminds me of trying to find the perfect avocado. It’s challenging! When I got home, I softened the chikoos by putting them in a brown bag with some avocados actually. They sat for about two days, then I cut them open:

It looked brown to me which automatically puts up red flashing lights (I am always paranoid about getting food poisoning). However, from my research, this is what a good and healthy chikoo looks like:

Weird, I know...but the flesh was soft and there were dagger-like black seeds with shiny skin that reminded me of a large beetle!

Then, I opened the other chikoo fruit I purchased and it was clear that one was not suitable for consumption. It was very difficult to slice through. The seeds were half white--more white in the fruit part, and the top was actually slightly moldy which I was unable to tell until opening it up. Look for yourself:

So, how’d I do it?
Flesh of one chikoo fruit (size of a small fist, with skin & seeds removed) chopped up. Be sure to use a proper knife and cutting board!
One half cup of organic grassfed whole milk (can be substituted with any “milk” of your choice): Not that I often drink milk, but my suggestions are: Traders Point Creamery and Kalona Super Natural
Two handfuls of ice cubes
A few dashes of cinnamon
One quarter teaspoon of vanilla
Now, you could just stop there (and I recommend tasting at this step) or you could add in some peanut butter (my hubby’s pick and notice, no oils in the ingredients which can turn into trans fats) or almond butter (my fave), about one half tablespoon, depending on taste.
Blend it up and enjoy!

My husband and I are going to try to grow our own chikoo tree, I will have to keep you updated on how that project goes! You can grow your own, too!
If you have ever had chikoo fruit before, feel free to share your experiences in the comments below! And as always, thanks for following along. #getsatiated with me!
*As with anything, certain people can be sensitive or allergic to some or all of these ingredients. Use with caution.*